Page name: Halloween High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-04 03:02:32
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 11
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Halloween High

Plot: Yea I took the basic thing from from the halloween town disney movies to make this. Pretty much its based on a school very much like Xavier's school for mutants cept this school is for mutants, creatures, monsters, whatever you want and yes even humans can tend this school. Yea i know this may seem pointless but this has a point!
Mainly the point is the town you live in or its called in the movie Halloween Town is under the threat of being taken over by evil forces and its residents forced into slavery for the dark lord. its up to the characters to band together and try and stop this force. now you can be either good or evil and yes your character may switch sides whenever

The school is funded by Lyra's father not outside sources! so stop assuming that!

Rules:[ya always need em]
1. You can be whatever you want
2. You can be whomever you want
3. No character is all powerful
4. Any sex is to under-detailed or put in here ----> Dirty Secrets of the halls
5. Please use this to fill out ur character info:

Student or Teacer:
Powers [if any]:
Affiliation [good or evil]:
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]:
[pic is optional]
6. be as many people as you want just dont get em confused
7. invite people dammit
8. you can get fired or kicked out of this school duh but you can get rehired or re-enrolled


More rules as i see fit


Name: Lyra Svendora
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacer: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Mutant but is really a witch her friends and family always said she was a mutant so she believed them
Powers [if any]: she has healing abilities, she can read minds, phase through objects, she can also raise the dead and work with dark or light magic, spells and spellbooks and she can make and use potions
Affiliation [good or evil]: Good but does have a tiny evil streak in her
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: her father built and funds the high school, also she used to go to a witch/wizard school with Sirius and the others but there she kept mainly to herself she was taken out of the school by her father when halloween high was built and open

Name: Gackt Camui
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: vampire
Powers: vampire powers, seductive voice, mind reading
Affiliation: evil
History: he was recently turned into a vampire he's still tryin to get used to it

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Sirius Black :D (just to switch things up :D)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Student or Teacher: None he's graduated but not a teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: claims to be a mutant but is really an epic wizard of epicness
Powers [if any]: he can turn into a dog at will
Affiliation: Good
Other Info: He can transform from human to dog at will he's been in prison for years for a crime he didn't commit, he was accussed and convicted of murder and has lived the last 15 years in prison but recently escaped and now he lives outside of halloweentown high, eating rats and trying to find the man responsible for sending him to prison
<img:> human and dog form

Name: Remus Lupin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Student or Teacer: Teacher
Grade: a teacher so clearly graduated
Race: werewolf
Powers: he's a werewolf so werewolfish powers
Affiliation: Good duh :D
Other info: he's one of the schools defensive teachers trying to teach the kids how to better control and defend themselves. Due to what he is remus tends to get depressed very easily possilby more info coming later :)
<img:> <--Remus is the non pink wolf xD

[Slytheirn Snitch Seeker]
Name: Leion Flamel
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Wizard
Powers [if any]: He can cast spells, and his learning to control the elements, and can make potions.
Affiliation [good or evil]: He's new and just got here, so not sure
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: His family has been knowen for there magic for years, his grate grate grate grandfather was born with out any magic and they gave him up. His family with magic soon died after, and every one thought his family was ead for years till he was born with the ablity to do magic. He's been studding with humans till now.

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Jerimiah KAzinoth
AGe: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Werewolf
Powers: Ummm SEe race
Affliation: Good
Other info: Jerimiah is one of Lyra's best friends, though he's quite brash at times...she's the one who keeps his temper in check. thing he keeps secret from the fact he's in love with her, or rather has a crush on her.

[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Abigail Lila
Student or Teacher: Student
Powers [if any]:She has a control over spiders...And also can change her size between 2" and 5'3".
Affiliation [good or evil]:Good.... Mostly
Other info: Her mother was a pixie (she was 2" tall) and her father was a fairy. How she came to be is really a mystery, it's just assumed that her father was able to shrink, or her mother grow... No one really knows. She showed up on her aunts doorstep after being born. Her aunt, a fairy, had always wanted kids, but never could have any, so she took Abigail in and raised her as her own. Abi is very spunky and fun, changing sizes at every turn because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of her power yet.

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2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"You too. So when is Mr.Camui going to come back?"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason walks up behind Andra and Lyra. "So who we waiting for?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra shrugs "when he's done yellin at some dude"

Gackt moves quickly picking up Sirius "you dont learn do ya?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Nice."she sighed

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason shrugs, tired of being ignored, and wanders to Gackts classroom window and peers inside.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "where'd that dude go?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius growls, "And what am I supposed to be learning oh proffessor shit for brains?"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason can hear every words Sirius and Gackt r saying and he chuckles quietly.

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra shrugged,"I don't know."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i dunno how to defend yourself? cause you're doin a pretty shitty job of it"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason chuckles. this could be good

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes, "I don't have to defend myself especially from your sorry ass I could beat you in a second"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason, "oh snap!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smirks "prove it then"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius growls, moving quickly and sinking his teeth into Gackt's arm, glaring at him

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason smiles. "Sweet!! This is gonna be fun to watch!!" He stays at the window.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt growls slashing at Sirius' face

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra shrugs then starts walking

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason wanders around to the front of the class building and runs into Lyra and Andra. "Theres a fight between Gackt and Sirius"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"What? Where?"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason points. "In Gackts classroom. Sirius just bit him"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: lyra -,- "men just ignore them"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason smiles. "Ya. Men r idiots. Always fightin over some dumb ass reason"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius yelps in surprised pain, letting go off Gackt and wiggling away from him, burying his bleeding face in one of his arms and growling at Gackt, "oh you bastard...god that stings...I swear I'll murder you"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra sighed,"God! Where I come from fighting is a but no no." she ran to Gackt's class room

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason wanders to Gackts classroom to see how bad he kicked Sirius' ass

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt holds his arm "fuck thats deep" he shakes his head to clear it swaying lightly next time remember to feed before picking a figh ol' boy

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra ran into the class room and froze both Gackt and Sirius.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius growls, getting back up and shaking his fur, making some of his blood fly before he lunges, knocking Gackt down and growling at him, "Listen you stupid old fuck I don't like teachers I have no respect for them and your not changin that now unless if you want me to report you for mangaling my face I suggest you leave me alone got it?"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason steps in the door. "Sirius, thats quite enuff"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra made sure they where both, Gackt and Sirius where froze."Good job that I never blew them up."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt starts breathing heavily clearly too weak to do anything

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra walks in as well "unfreeze them andra i dont care where you came from"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason pulls his machete outta the sheathe. He points to Sirius. "That ones mine"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius growls softly

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason raises his machete towards Sirius.

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Jason stop." she looked at Lyra,"I just didn't want them to kill each other." she ketp them both frozen

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason lowers his machete and stands by Andra.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra flicks her wrist unfreezing them "you're not this schools security system its not your job they'll do as they please"

Gackt glares at Jason

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his head to clear it, sneezing a little bit and feeling slightly dizzy, "what happend?"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason glares back at Gackt, but puts his machete back in its sheathe.

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra looked at Sirius,"I froze you."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sits up slowly putting a hand to his head then sighs "Im sorry sirius i just...its been awhile since ive fed i get irritable and cranky i shouldnt have taken it out on you"

Lyra "there ya go now apologize sirius"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason looks at Andra. "Wow. And i thought i was special"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Apologize? he's the maniac who attacked me I'm not apologizing to his sorry ass"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra "he apologized so you can too"

Gackt sighs and gets up walking out of the room "fuck..."

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason smiles. "Such high school drama"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra sighed as she ran after Gackt,

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason leaves the classroom and goes to his cabin in the woods.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt looked at Andra "you might wanna go"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason slits open a chicken and pours its blood all over the ground, waiting for Gackt to smell it

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius lays back down, burying his face in his arm again to try and stop the bleeding, stupid teacher ya know what fuck this I should just go

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs and goes back helping Sirius up "here i'll help you even if you're stubborn ass dont want it"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Hey I was told to come to you when I got here, so no Iam not going."

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason makes a trail of chicken blood.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "why me?" he looks over at Andra

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps then growls at Gackt, pulling away and shaking his fur off, "I don't need help from--" he stops smelling the chicken blood, "What's that?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Your a techer, yes? Well I was told that you have my timetable and everything"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason waits for Gackt to follow the trail, but would settle for anyone.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt's pupil's dialate "blood" he gulps he follos the trail of blood fuck dont follow it remember what happened last time but he gives andra her timetable and stuff before he does

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason hears footsteps on the path. HE readies the net.

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra took the papers and frowns as she follows him

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt snips at her "just leave me alone"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius sniffs and follows then frowns, it's a trap ugh guess I'll do something noble he quickly gets in front of Gackt and barks at him, "Stop dumbass"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason drops the net on all 3 of them. "Gotcha!!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt glares at Jason "let me go!" he sways again too much damn blood loss

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason looks at his catch. "Y would i?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps then growls, trying to lunge at Jason but gets all tangled in the net

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Let me out Jason!"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason drops the net. "Sorry Andra. My apologies" [looks like Jason has soft spot for Andra ;) ]

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt glares then passes out from blood loss

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason, "Shit!" He grabs a bucket of blood and puts it by Gackt. "Someone feed him"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"I'll do it."she picked up the bucket and started to feed Gackt

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason turns towards Sirius. "We will settle our score later"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius eeps then shakes his furr off, watching them

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gets up slightly "ugh stop feeding me that shit"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason chuckles. "It kept u alive didnt it?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra stopped feeding him,"SOrry."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt growls "it is no substitute you fool"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason takes a menacing step towards Gackt. "I just saved ur life! The least u could do is say thanx"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius shifts back to normal, muttering a spell to turn Jason into a chick with long pink hair then whistle's innocently

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "go fuck yourself"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason glares at Gackt and steps towards him. "Wanna say that to my face?"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: [Whats going on??]

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [its been restarted :D]

Gackt gets up weakly "go fuck yourself"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason punches Gackt back down.

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"No fighting!"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius titls his head, wondering if Jason has noticed the new look

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: [XD I know that but I mean wheats going on now?]

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason notices a watter puddl and checks his reflection. "What the...SIRIUS!!!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt falls down quite easily "ah fuck!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [people ish bein mean?]

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius ignores Jason then goes over to Gackt, helping him up, "Come on old bones lets get ya some blood or whatever"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason grabs Sirius. "Ur not goin anywhere til im back to normal"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra helped Gackt into the school,"Come one sir I'll get ya some blood."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i'll be ok..."

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"No I'll help you." she helped him to his office

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius jumps a little, "It improves your look"

2010-02-28 [InLoveDontBothe r]: Jason glares. "Back to normal. NOW! Please?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "trust me i'll be fine"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"You need help, sir." she opened the office door and walked in with him and sat him down on the sofa,"Right where do you keep you blood bags?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and pulls away from Jason, turning him into a...chicken XD then heads back to the school

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i dont do blood bags"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"Than what?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "just let me go and leave me alone"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius rubs lightly at the new scar on his face as he gets back then heads for his room

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra,"But sir..."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "i'll find people" he starts walking slowly

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius gets to his room and lays on his bed, frowning

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighs "ugh last time i hold off on feeding"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius uses his wand to engrave designs on the celing

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt goes out and feeds then returns to the school

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James sighed and walked out of his room

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius falls into a light sleep

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt sighed "well i outta be goin again"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns in his sleep, somehow making Gackt turn into an ostrich

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt o.o tay then how am i suppose to put my things together and leave like this? he looks behind him i has a big bird butt x3

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James walked he saw an ostrich and stoped, O.O

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "sup james heh its your teacher yea i dont know how this happened"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James, "Ummmmm I think I lost it......"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "no you didnt its gackt the teacher ive somehow turned into a bird @.@"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius curls up, accidently turning James into a sea lion XD

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James blinked and looked at him self, "Sirius....."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "he's doin this?"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James, "Most likey."

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls to his side, turning himself into a cute little lion cub

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "awe man i need to get turned back"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James nodded he shiffted to his wolf from and back human, "Ha, I got back." :D

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "please turn me back? imma pack and leave"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James, "Why, are you leaving?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "ive think ive caused quite enough commotions today i just i dunno i really dont belong"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James shugged, "So why dont you try harder to fit in than,"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius yawns and stretches as he gets up then trots outside, not caring that he's a lion cub as he jumps on Gackt's shoulder, "oooh ostrich"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "cause i..." he thinks for a minute "i dunno no one seems to want me to stay" o.o "hey sirius the cub lion thing"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James, "And your a bird that lions eat."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "pfffft not ostrichs"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: James shugged, "OK what ever."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "sirius have you seen yourself?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius stretches and yawns, "No why?

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you're a lion cub"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walks to her rooma nd unpacks

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Yeah so your an ostrich"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "your fault"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra finished unpacking and went to look around the school more

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius hops down, turning Gackt back, "How so?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked around the school.

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "james said it was"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius meows, turning himself back to normal, "Bastard that he is"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra hummed softly as she walked around the school

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "so it wasnt you?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Oh I'm sure it was see I can't controll my magic when I sleep so i sometimes change people randomly"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "ah i see then"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Yeah it's shitty but oh well so what're you doing?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "packing up my things"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra got bored so she sat in the commen room and picked up a book and threw it in the air and froze it

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra hummed as she read

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra unfroze the book and it fell to the ground.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius tilts his head, "Why?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "i dont think i haven anything to teach anyone"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns, "What do you mean?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "you saw what happened earlier i cant control my anger"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius, "So go to anger managment or something"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "its harder for a vampire"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Sirius smirks, "or are you too chicken to even try it?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugs "i cant only mortals go to that dear lord they'd burn me at the stake"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes, "Are you really stupid enough to think they don't have classes for more 'special' people?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "will you quit snippin at me why do you care?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius shrugs, "Sorry that's how I am and I don't know why I care"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "earlier you wanted me to go die"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes, "Nah I'm an ass to all teachers it just how I am I never really wanted you to die just to get off my back"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "you know i wont right?"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back, "Fine and you know I'm not gonna be a 'good boy' in your classes right?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "awe damn why not? i like good boys also the naughty ones" he chuckles more

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "dont roll your eyes at me"

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra got bored and walked to her room

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "So look how about this, you pass me in your class and I'll help you with your anger"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you know i cant do that"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Now why not?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "it would be wrong"

Lyra hummed walking down the hall

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "But ugh fine I'll just fail your class then"

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra walked into her room, closed and locked the door.

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "it wont be that hard god its just a language class"

Lyra "ugh so bored"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "I fail everyclass"

2010-03-01 [Tis gone but never gone]: Andra layed on her bed, so bored.

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles back "not mine you wont"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Why not?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "im not sure but you wont"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius rolls his eyes and chuckles

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "i'll control my anger if you can be less of an ass"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius thinks about, "How much less?"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "at least attempt to pay attention in class and no tricks on me at least"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "I'll try...a little"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nods "good enough for me"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Alright"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiles "fine i'll stay"

2010-03-01 [WASHACKED]: James leaned on the railing on the stairs talking to Max

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Good now can I go? theirs some toilets that I'm just itching to blow up"

2010-03-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckles "only if i can help"

2010-03-01 [wolvie]: Sirius, "You'd get into a shitload of trouble if your caught though"

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